Tuesday, May 27, 2008

day 6, 11:50am, aches and pains

yesterday i finished walking just short of temple 18, making it a 24km day.

a farmer let me set up in his field and after i was finishing up dinner he said i could use his shower. i think i was really lucky again last night.

as for aches and pains, the worst of it would be my sunburn. the backs of my calves are cherry red. after that it would be the insect bites and plant induced rashes. (a question for everyone in japan, are there many plants that can cause rashes?). i've got some strange looking bites.

i'm just having lunch at the base of the mountain which temple 20 is on. i don't know where i'll be tonight, but there are a couple of henro huts and a hostel along the way.

(picture- my strange bite)

oh, i saw two more snakes, so i think the snake count is 4!