Sunday, June 8, 2008

day 17, 8:35pm, learning from history

(no phone service, will be late)

just spent 40min typing three long stories on this cellphone number pad and i just accidentally erased it all. so here is the abridged version (i'm really tired)

distance today, 42.6km.

snake count now 9, scary! don't know dangerous sn. appearance. regret. :(

day 12, met girl and family, wanted meet foreigner to speak with, was awkward but friendly. today, met again, about 100km from place before, same situation, more awkward, got free coffee, sweet!
hope i don't meet again, maybe hillbilly stalker family. :)
tonight staying 27km north of temple38. plan to put gear in bushes, go there and back tomorrow, stay here sameplace again tomorrow night. inspired by history note in guidebook.tonight, met old guy who just did it today. confidence!

wish me luck, tomorrow 54km!

sleepy, night