Monday, June 2, 2008

day 12, 1:31pm, tunnel singing

i've gone through a lot of tunnels the last few days. the frirst was just after temple 22, on highway 55. the longest of them, i think was 900m.

i'm not sure why but since the very first tunnel, i've enjoyed singing in them. the echo is great, but there is something else to it that really feels great.

i sing the same song in every tunnel. the problem is i don't know any of the words. i don't even know the name of the song, just the chorus. and in a 900m tunnel, that is a lot of choruses.

so i have a favour, can someone check the internet for the song lyrics and e-mail them to me?
we'll make it a contest. o(^-^)o

the 4th person to e-mail the lyrics will get a prize!

the song's chorus is something like,
"come mister tallyman, and talley me bananas, daylight come and me want to go home"

there you are,
good luck and i look forward to some e-mails,
