Monday, June 2, 2008

day 11, 8:14pm, looking good

last night worked out fine, tonight is going good. i think things are looking up. i should be in kochi city in a few days.

i'm sleeping at a michi-no-eki (road station). i and another henro have staked out some space under the covered patio. it's pretty well protected, but a typhoon is passing by shikoku tonight, so we'll see how it goes.

today i did 28km (including a mountain), and i could have done more. i have no more major aches and today is the first day i didn't tape up my feet. i think i'm in "the zone", i think everything physical will be ok from here on out. mentally,... we'll see.

i've lost weight, too! my legs are as hard as rock. i wonder what another 30 days will do.