Tuesday, June 10, 2008

day 19, 10:10am, pain is temporary, i hope

i'm getting my days mixed up. my last post should be titled day 18. i think it's because that while my trip is on day 19, my number of actual walking days is 18. people are always asking me how many days i've been walking. it's getting difficult to keep track. i rarely even know what day of the week it is.

snake count now 11.
blisters are being managed. still, today will be a slow day. i don't want any stress injuries.

i've had a few calls for any deep insights i've had, any wisdom i've cultivated during my walking. i have had a lot of time to think and work through buddha's four noble truths. it is largely personal and difficult to articulate well. i'll try to get into that more later.

(oh, snake count 12)
but i do have one small piece of personal wisdom i can share.
- regardless of how thirsty you may be, it is inadvisable to chase a 500ml carton of orange juice with a 500ml carton of whole milk.

i can tell you that didn't sit well in the stomache; almost ended up on the side of the road.

well, i have some walking to do. later