Saturday, June 21, 2008

day 31, 10:41am, getting soft

it's finally stopped raining. i'm in that cool inbetween time after the rain and before the sun. it's already starting to feel likd a sauna.
i've got a straight stretch of road and a nice sidewalk so h thought i'd get the posts up to date.

yesterday's climb was nice. it didn't rain for the whole morning so i managed to get up and down with no problems.
at the top i met two walking henro, a man and a woman in their 50's. they had stayed at the same minshuku the night before and seemed to have become quite good friends.

i joined them for an early lunch and we walked down the mountain together. they set a blistering pace and i had a hard time keeping up.

it was a fast trip down the mountain and we went our seperate ways near the bottom. they both had already visited temples 61 and 62 the day before. i hope we cross paths again.

it was a much slower afternoon. it started raining, the heaviest thus far on the trip, and i wasn't able to make it as far as i had planned.i picked out a closer shelter that was listed on my map, but when i arrived there was no shelter.

i was wet, it was getting dark and i was wandering down the highway feeling a bit hopeless. singing helped for the first half hour. i guess i was hoping for some more osettai magic. :)

well, i came across a rundown business hotel that wasn't listed on my map. 3000 yen. shower, washing machine, air conditioning, dry.
the rest of the night went well.

i slept in today and got a bit of a late start. i'm off to temple 64.
