Wednesday, June 25, 2008

day 34, 9:50pm, old mule

i had thought that the last two weeks of the trip would be easy. i would be fit and lean and a super-walker. and i think i am lean and fit and becoming a super-walker. but i've also walked 1000km and my body is starting to feel as worn as the shoes i am wearing.
the next time i do this i will schedule in a few 0km days, although the next time i do this it might be by motorcycle. :)
i don't want to sound too down, i'm actually in pretty good spirits. i guess i'm starting to look forward to an end. :)
today was good. it was a bit of a slow start. the first and last two hours of everyday i hobble around like an old man. today my ankle was a bit tender, but i got it warmed up and it wasn't bad. i picked up some sports tape and that helped a lot.
tonight i'm staying in a baseball dugout at a sports park near temple 70. the weather is nice so it will do.
i spent most of the evening at... mcdonald's. it had air conditioning, and electrical outlets and chocolate sundaes. it was nice. i stayed there for about 2.5 hours.
i need to get cleaned up. i hope i can find a place with washrooms tomorrow night.

time for bed. night,