Friday, June 27, 2008

day 37, 11:31pm, the unknown

no post last night. the shelter i had hoped for didn't turn out to be a shelter at all. i spent a few hours looking for for a place to sleep.
it's not easy in the city. i found a place that was ok but a bit exposed to foot and bike traffic.
i now know that i'm more afraid of the unknown in the city than i am on the spookiest mountain.
i'm much less confident that i am the scariest animal in the city.
i was careful to secure my things, and i am glad i have my walking stick.
i had one small scare when i opened my eyes to find a man creeping up on me. he stopped when i put my hand on my stick. i think he was just curious but i slept less soundly after that.
i don't have much fear about sleeping out in the city in japan, but if i were in canada or most other countries i wouldn't have the same confidence.

i've got another mountain today. i'll probably be sleeping on it tonight. i think it will be a lot less spooky this time.
